Love My Enemies
I love my enemies as Jesus Christ loves the religious preachers and leaders at His time on Earth, in the time of persecutions, as He loves His enemies and those who crucified Him, for they do not know what they do.
Lord God, I love my enemies as Jesus Christ loves His. Lord God, I love my enemies as You love Your fallen angels, Your fallen nations, and Your fallen creations and the Worlds.
Father God, I repent for all anger at those, who do not love me. Father God, I repent of all anger at those, who continuously intentionally and unintentionally hurt me. Father God, I repent of anger at those, who plan and wish to kill me, for me being a follower of Your Son Jesus Christ. Father God, I repent of all sin that I committed through anger at my enemies. Father God, I love them as much as You love those who plan to take over Your Kingdom, as You love those who plan to corrupt all Your angels and all Your creation, Amen. Lord God, Creator of the universes, Earths, nations and tribes, I worship You and Your Glory Eternally, Amen, because You are Eternal Everlasting Overflowing with Peace, God. Father God, You are the Peacemaker, the peace treaty Writer, the justice Claimed, the loving God. Father God, it is my honour to be Your son/daughter forever and ever, Amen. Father God, thank You for creating me in Your image and treating me as I am Your son/daughter as I am Your flesh, Your love, Your heart, Your Spirit. I am everlasting as long as I am within You. I am accepted into Everlasting Kingdom of Yours, the only True Kingdom that exists. The Only Kingdom that has begun from forever. Holy is Thy Name, Amen.